Various loaves of bread balancing on each other.

Bringing You Towards Optimal Health


I believe people can achieve optimal health via the science of integrative medicine.

Bread-making ingredients with food pairings on cutting board.


What I Offer…


Traditional Āyurveda

Āyurveda understands the human organism at its core functioning. For millenia, this ancient & complex science has utilized the laws of nature to help alleviate disease & suffering, restore & rejuvenate the body, and overall sustain well-being. 

Āyurveda is an individualized medicine in that it recognizes humans are unique beings and should be treated as so. This ancient science operates as its own comprehensive stand-alone medical system - much like modern primary care medicine. Since its inception thousands of years ago, Āyurveda has emphasized the importance of preventative medicine. Planning for svastha (or health) over the course of one's lifetime is an area in which Āyurveda excels.

It is a comprehensive science that is not limited to preventative healthcare only. Classical Āyurveda follows the Bṛhat Trayī (Caraka Saṁhitā, Suśruta Saṁhitā, & Aṣṭāñga Hṛdayam) within which are extensive disease treatment protocols. 

Jessica has personally witnessed the efficacy of Āyurveda in its successful management of many acute & chronic disease processes.

Holistic Nursing

Nursing is in Jessica’s bloodline as a third-generation nurse. Currently, she works as a Family Nurse Practitioner in a underserved community clinic in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. She enjoys the opportunity that this work environment provides as patients range from neonate to the geriatric, healthy to the palliative care, and is inclusive of all races, ethnicities, genders & religions.  ​Nurse practitioners are uniquely positioned to influence patient behavior by developing strong, trusting, long-term relationships.

A skilled NP is excellent at integrating health promotion, disease prevention, counseling, and education into patient visits to help individuals (and their families) better understand their health. In doing so, they empower patients to make choices that lead to longer, healthier lives.

For each patient assessment, Jessica evaluates past medical & surgical histories, interprets diagnostic exams and lab values, and is continually collaborating with MDs, NPs, PAs, DOs, and specialists in order to provide the best possible care to her patients. ​

Her extensive nursing background is a critical piece in what she has to offer people. People often appreciate and feel reassured having a provider with a thorough understanding of both the medical and complementary health worlds.

Lineage-Based Jyotish

Jyotish is a sister science of Āyurveda & Yoga - creating the great triad. Primarily, Āyurveda works on the physical body whereas Jyotish works in the realm of psychology (mind) & the causal level (where our karmic histories are stored). Jyotish comprehends and translates the elements & time.

Human nature is not separate from the laws of the universe. We are very much a part of the universe and cannot extricate ourselves from it. Many people have become estranged from the world around them. People have come to believe that the Sun, Moon, and other planets bear no effect on their lives.

Humans are wholly interdependent beings.

Without the Sun, we simply would not exist. Plants would not grow without the act of photosynthesis. We rise with the Sun daily, sow our gardens according to its seasonal progression, and could not live without the warmth and heat that its rays provide. It is also the cadence of our sun that quite literally creates time for us. These daily “happenings” should not be taken for granted. We must consider the deeper implications.

 For instance, it is the precise juxtaposition of the Sun from the Moon that enables there to be water (life!) on our planet. NASA discusses this at length in terms of the solar hydrogen ions combining with the hydroxyl ions from the moon which creates H2O. We also know that the Moon directly exerts its effects on the tides of our oceans multiple times every single day. Are we as humans impacted? Of course, we are.